Who is S2C for?

Our ideal clients for S2C at Gemstone Therapy are those who currently do not have a robust form of communication and have sensory-motor differences. Common diagnosis include:

  • Autism

  • Down Syndrome

  • Apraxia/dyspraxia

S2C is ideal for non-speakers (non-verbal), minimal speakers, and unreliable speakers (often speak in scripts, repeated phrases, but not robust spoken communication).

S2C is appropriate and adapted for client's of all ages using AGE APPROPRIATE content and other developmentally appropriate strategies and modifications! I LOVE littles and spelling prep can start as young as 2 years old. As an Occupational Therapist, I am uniquely qualified to work on all the skills required for successful spelling to communicate and regulation strategies! Use of letterboards will come into play around ages 4-5. For older children all the way up to adults, age-appropriate lessons and media are used!


If you are questioning if your loved one could be a speller, they probably can! Contact for a free consultation to learn more:

phone: (843) 284 6778 email: gabrielle@gemstonetherapysc.com


The anatomy of an S2C session


What is Spelling to Communicate?